Request for services

Request for services

We’ll carry out the search without charge and with no obligation required from you

    Personal information


    Desired service

    childcaretutoringhousekeepingEmployé(e) de maisonassistance for the elderly/companionshipPreparation of administrative documents for the hiring of an employee

    Criteria of selection *

    Desired spoken language(s)


    Jours et plages horaires

    Monday MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening
    Tuesdy MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening
    Wednesday MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening
    Thursday MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening

    Friday MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening
    Saturday MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening
    Sunday MorningNoontimeAfternoonEvening

    Other information

    Home accessible by bus YesNo
    Home accessible by train YesNo
    Driver’s license necessaryYesNo
    Vehicle necessary YesNo

    Do you have pets YesNo

    How did you hear about ?

    As soon as we receive your completed information sheet, we will start our search. After having analysed your request, we will be able to give you a deadline.
    × Une question ?

    General termes , General conditions for a permanent placement, General registration terms.pdf
    Mentions légales - Politique de Cookies - Politique de confidentialité
    Site réalisé par with ♥